From 13th to 15th December 2023, the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Forum is the world’s largest international gathering on refugees and takes place every four years. The 2023 Forum was co-convened by five States – Colombia, France, Japan, Jordan and Uganda, and co-hosted by the Government of Switzerland and UNHCR.
The Forum took the opportunity to build on the progress made by States and stakeholders towards the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) by facilitating the announcement of concrete pledges and contributions.
Education in emergencies was one of the focus areas, highlighting the critical need for education and education in emergencies for refugees and displaced children and youth.
Among the achievements are
- The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies members renewed their pledge, first made in 2019 to collaboratively step-up visibility, political and operational commitment, and funding for Education in Emergencies. 50 organisations and states endorsed the pledge, among them many of our members and partners. Read the EiE Hub’s pledge here.
- The Forum’s Education Alliance Task Team on Education in Emergency Contexts focused on educational challenges and opportunities for refugees in the immediate phase after displacement. The multistakeholder pledge on Education in Emergency Contexts can be read here.
Learn more at the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies. To find specific pledges use the Global Refugee Forum’s dashboard for pledges and contributions.