According to new global estimates published by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), 222 million crisis-affected children and adolescents are in need of education support. This is a major increase from previous estimates, indicating an alarming trend and a global education crisis. Access to a quality education in times of humanitarian crisis is not only the right of every child, it can also save lives and be life-sustaining.
IFGE, therefore, wants to draw attention to the ECW # 222MillionDreams Campaign which calls on world leaders to make real funding contributions to support the millions of vulnerable girls and boys around the world who urgently need our support to access educational opportunities. Their hopes and dreams are on hold and cannot wait for the resolution of conflicts and climate change issues, but require additional financial investment immediately so they can access safe, inclusive, quality education. ECW will hold a High Level Financing Conference in February 2023 in order to fill the $1.5 billion financing gap that can make a huge difference. It is important to highlight this event and how it can be a key moment in making a real difference to financing education globally and reaching the most disadvantaged who are being left behind.
More than ever before, vulnerable girls and boys trapped in emergencies and protracted crises need our urgent assistance to ensure they can enjoy their right to a safe, inclusive quality education and are no longer left furthest behind. ECW is the United Nations global, billion-dollar fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises and it reaches children and adolescents in need with quality education, no matter who or where they are. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres commented on the campaign launch.
‘Around the world, 222 million children are having their education cruelly interrupted. Their dreams for the future are snatched away by conflicts, displacement and climate disasters. In the face of these crises, the UN’s fund for education in emergencies — Education Cannot Wait — is standing with children across 40 countries. We need governments, businesses, foundations and individuals to support the vital work of Education Cannot Wait. And we need their ideas and innovations as we look ahead to September’s Transforming Education Summit. Help us place education within reach of every child, everywhere. Help us keep 222 million dreams alive.’
We need to remind world leaders that the lack of provision for education of so many young people is a denial of their fundamental rights and only an increase in financial support can address this right. For more detail on the ECW study and campaign follow this link.